Bedford Funds, LP is announcing the launch of a $2 billion fund raise. Bedford is proud to be a national leader in developing and deploying a strategy for Opportunity Zone Funds that focuses on driving jobs, agency, and wealth creation into many economically distressed communities equitably, nationwide. Not a real estate fund, Bedford is paving the way forward with a strategy to revitalize and rejuvenate opportunity zones across the country through their investment strategy focused on the Future of Energy, the Future of Work, and the Future of Food and Healthy Living. Bedford pursues its unique strategy of investing in operating companies in its target verticals and scaling these companies to multiple Opportunity Zones across the U.S. We are committed to making an impact by catalyzing growth, unlocking potential, and connecting the stranded talent with opportunity nationwide.
Bedford's leadership is targeting competitive investor returns in combination with positive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) outcomes and the investor tax benefits contemplated under the U.S. Opportunity Zone federal tax legislation, which include significant income tax deferral and exemption for capital gains. Responsible ESG investing is naturally aligned to private equity through its long-term investment horizon and stewardship-based management and is also consistent with the culture and objectives of Bedford's leadership. The Fund utilizes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as its ESG measurement metric. (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/) To help guide the Fund with its strategy, Bedford is in the process of becoming a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Investment organization (www.unpri.org)
Bedford Funds, LP www.BedfordFunds.com is a nationally focused private equity Opportunity Zone Fund headquartered at the Energy Innovation Center (www.eicpittsburgh.org), located in an Opportunity Zone in Pittsburgh, PA. They also have offices in Memphis, TN and Charleston, SC. Bedford has filed a Schedule D with the US Securities and Exchange Commission to provide notice of an offering of securities qualifying for an exemption from registration requirements.