How Can Philly Can ‘Build Back Better’? 5 Tenets of a Post-pandemic Recovery

As the COVID-19 pandemic endures and Philadelphians plan strategies to recover from it and the current recession, a few core ideas how the City of Brotherly Love can bounce back have popped up repeatedly.

Workforce development, for one — preparing those who have lost jobs for more resilient careers. And small business support has been touted as a necessity across the country (and is a major part of Congress’ new $900 billion aid package, which includes a re-up of the Paycheck Protection Program.)

But what else is specific to Philadelphia, with its uniquely high poverty rate?

Ashley Putnam, director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Economic Growth & Mobility Project, led a discussion with Pew Charitable Trusts’ Philadelphia research and policy initiative senior adviser, Larry Eichel, and PolicyLink Senior Associate James Crowder on how the city can respond to its current circumstances during last week’s Philly Forward Forum.


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