Stradley Ronon is pleased to announce the firm’s Diversity Committee hosted a virtual panel discussion on Oct. 13 with leaders of the Hispanic community, firm attorneys, staff and clients, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Stradley Ronon Diversity Committee members Adriel Garcia, Gabriella Leyhane and Rebecca Rodrigues moderated the conversation with panelists, Gisele Fetterman, Pennsylvania’s Second Lady, Renee Garcia, Managing Senior Counsel at PNC Bank, and Sharon Lopez, civil rights attorney at Triquetra Law.
The panelists shared insight into their career journeys and the challenges they have overcome along the way. The group discussed ways to combat discrimination and racism, and how the Hispanic community is currently underrepresented in leadership positions, especially in the legal profession.
In addition to the event, the firm proudly amplified the firm’s Hispanic/Latinx professionals’ voices to share their stories, challenges and favorite aspects of the Hispanic community in a series of videos. Watch the videos, here.
The Stradley Ronon Diversity Committee creates initiatives and programs to ensure that Stradley Ronon is a fully inclusive place and that all firm citizens have the opportunity to have their unique voices heard. Chaired by Chief Diversity Officer Brian Seaman, the committee includes three dozen diverse individuals, Stradley Ronon’s board of directors, and numerous nondiverse attorneys who are equally committed to this important discussion.
About Stradley Ronon
Counseling clients since 1926, Stradley Ronon has helped private and public companies – from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations – achieve their goals by providing pragmatic, value-driven legal counsel. With offices in eight strategic locations, our responsive team of more than 200 attorneys seamlessly addresses the full spectrum of our clients’ needs, ranging from sophisticated corporate transactions to complex commercial litigation.