Nancy Shane Rappaport
DLA Piper is pleased to announce that Nancy Shane Rappaport, chair of the firm’s Philadelphia Litigation practice, has been named to the Legal Intelligencer’s 2020 list of Best Law Firm Mentors. The editors noted that Rappaport is “determined” and “takes her role as mentor and champion seriously.”
The publication highlighted Rappaport’s role as a mentor and champion for women associates throughout her career, including her efforts to help strengthen their communication, marketing and presentation skills through DLA Piper’s Leadership Alliance for Women (LAW) resource group, as well as her creation of a professional development program for women associates focused on career planning, advocacy and branding, among other topics.
“Mentors and champions are essential to developing your own career path. While learning how to manage a case or close a deal will certainly help you develop your skills as a lawyer, they won’t help you consider your own trajectory, whether it be partner, judge, attorney general, general counsel, professor or something outside the legal profession,” Rappaport told the publication. “There is so much more than legal research, negotiation, writing and advocacy skills that go into developing your future in the profession, and we can only learn from what we see and experience working with those who have forged their own paths ahead of us.”
Rappaport is a national trial lawyer involved in a variety of litigation matters focusing on product liability, including the defense of multinational manufacturers in catastrophic injury cases arising from the use of consumer and commercial outdoor power equipment, construction equipment, farming equipment, elevators and escalators, glassware and automotive component parts, bicycles and other products. She acts as national counsel for various outdoor power equipment manufacturers, managing all stages of litigation and acting as lead trial counsel. She also handles complex commercial disputes in Delaware state and federal courts and represents various corporations in toxic tort litigation in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois and Missouri.
Rappaport also acts as a consultant to product manufacturers in preparing manuals and warranties for new products, including kitchen appliances, glassware and outdoor power equipment. She has handled an array of contractual and construction disputes and defended hospitals, physicians and other healthcare workers in medical malpractice litigation in Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Rappaport’s full profile is available to read here.