Sherrie R. Savett
Berger Montague is pleased to announce that Sherrie R. Savett, Michael Dell'Angelo, and Benjamin Galdston have been appointed as co-chairs of the Firm's Securities & Investor Protection practice group.
Together, Ms. Savett, Mr. Dell'Angelo, and Mr. Galdston have more than eighty years of experience and have secured some of the most significant recoveries and corporate reforms for defrauded investors. The co-chairs are responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases filed by Berger Montague's Securities & Investor Protection Group on behalf of the Firm's institutional investor, labor and trust fund, and other investor clients. The Securities & Investor Protection Group specializes in actions involving claims for violations of the federal and state securities laws in individual, collective, derivative, and class actions.
"Berger Montague has a long and distinguished history of excellence representing institutional and retail investors in complex securities fraud class actions," said Firm Chairman Eric L. Cramer. "We are confident that Ms. Savett, Mr. Dell'Angelo, and Mr. Galdston will continue that tradition as co-chairs of our rapidly expanding Securities & Investor Protection Group. They are each outstanding lawyers who exemplify leadership, creativity, and tenacious commitment to zealous advocacy for investors at the highest ethical standard."
Ms. Savett is Chair Emeritus and a Managing Shareholder of the Firm, in addition to serving as co-chair of the Commercial Litigation; Technology, Privacy & Data Breach; and Whistleblower, Qui Tam & False Claims Act practice groups. Since 1975, Ms. Savett has served as lead or co-lead counsel or as a member of the executive committee in a large number of important securities class actions in federal and state courts across the country, including In re Rite Aid Corp. Securities Litigation ($334 million settlement); In re Waste Management, Inc. Securities Litigation ($220 million settlement); In re Fleming Companies, Inc. Securities Litigation ($94 million settlement); In re CIGNA Corp. Securities Litigation ($93 million settlement); and In re Alcatel Alsthom Securities Litigation ($75 million settlement).
Mr. Dell'Angelo is a Managing Shareholder and co-chair of the Firm's Commodities & Financial Instruments practice area. He has a diverse portfolio, prosecuting antitrust, commodities, securities, qui tam, and complex commercial cases, including In re Domestic Drywall Antitrust Litigation ($190 million settlement); In re MF Global Holdings Limited Investment Litigation (over $1.6 billion recovered); In re Peregrine PFG Best Customer Accounts Litigation ($61.75 million); Brown v. Kinross Gold U.S.A. Inc. (settlement and return of $35,778,371); and New Jersey v. Qwest Communications International ($45 million opt-out settlement).
Mr. Galdston joined the Firm as a Shareholder and head of Berger Montague's San Diego office in July 2019, the Firm's third new office location since 2016. Mr. Galdston is one of the nation's top securities litigators with more than 18 years of experience representing institutional investors in complex class and individual actions. His previous recoveries include: In re McKesson/HBOC Securities Litigation, which resulted in settlements totaling more than $1 billion – the largest securities class action recovery in the Ninth Circuit; In re Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. ($735 million); In re Citigroup Bond Litigation ($730 million); In re Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Securities Litigation, the largest stock option backdating settlement in the Ninth Circuit; and In re Quality Systems, Inc. Securities Litigation, which settled after obtaining a precedent setting pro-investor ruling from the Ninth Circuit limiting the "Safe Harbor" protections under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Berger Montague is a nationally recognized, full-service plaintiffs' law firm specializing in securities, antitrust, and other complex litigation on behalf of institutional and individual investors. With nearly 50 years of experience and numerous record-setting recoveries, Berger Montague is one of the most highly regarded plaintiffs' litigation firms in the country.