Steven Barrett
The Sexual Abuse Recovery Legal Team of Montgomery County’s Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin is aware that boy scouts in the Delaware Valley may have been abused by Scout Leaders and is available to confidentially and for free, answer any questions about rights and compensation that may be available to them.
According to a story in The New York Times, “The Boy Scouts have kept files (the so-called “Perversion Files”) going back decades showing that nearly 8,000 volunteers have been excluded from the organization because they had been accused of sexually abusing children, according to a review by an expert on child sexual abuse.” On April 24, a reporter for The Radnor Patch reported in Pennsylvania, a total of 256 Boy Scout leaders appeared in the "Perversion Files.” Their names have not been released. In New Jersey, several former scout leaders have been identified.
Said Steven Barrett, Chair of the firm’s Sexual Abuse Recovery Team: “Our lawyers are here to help victims now. The Boy Scouts tout their mission as helping young boys develop into respectful, well-adjusted adults exuding high values and morals. Yet the organization cannot have it both ways, and to attempt to profess a noble purpose while allowing, harboring and tacitly encouraging the ruination of boys through predatory, sexual misconduct is beyond a disgrace. Available data tells us that child victims of sexual abuse suffer and remain silent for decades before they can speak up about their childhood abuse. Such silence can enable predators to continue abusing many children over an extended period. In other words, predators typically are serial abusers. It is imperative that this cycle of life-altering abuse be stopped. There are measures that can be taken to help this dire environment. Organizations responsible in furthering this dreadful climate and victimization can be sued for not having adequate policies and proactive systems in place to screen potential abusers, ferret out predators, and report misconduct. With the light of justice being shone upon these organizations through publicly filed lawsuits, and the stark reality of facing significant financial hardship in having to compensate victims, organizations such as The Boy Scouts can be forced to change their practices and policies to ensure the safety of the children for whom they are entrusted to protect.”
If you, or a member of your family, was abused by an adult in the Boy Scouts Organization, please contact Mr. Barrett at 215-661-0400 immediately to have a free and confidential discussion about your rights.
Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin is one of the leading law firms in Eastern Pennsylvania providing legal counsel to businesses, municipalities and individuals in such areas as business law, litigation, real estate matters, municipal law, trusts and estates, family law, criminal law and personal injury matters. The firm’s singular focus is on achieving the best possible result for its clients.