Councilmember Matt Zone Elected President of the National League of Cities


Councilmember Matt Zone was elected president of the National League of Cities (NLC) today at the organization's 2016 City Summit in Pittsburgh. Zone, who served as NLC's first vice president in 2016, will lead the nation's largest and most representative membership and advocacy organization for city officials. He was elected by the membership to lead the organization for a one-year term and will play a key role in shaping NLC's priorities and directing the organization's advocacy, education, research and membership activities.

"I'm honored and humbled to be given the opportunity to lead our 92-year-old organization at such an important time for the nation," said National League of Cities (NLC) President Matt Zone, a Cleveland councilmember. "America's cities are facing some tough challenges. But, with one voice, we will work with our federal partners to find solutions to these challenges. I truly believe that cities are stronger, together."

In his inaugural address to the NLC membership, Zone announced that this year his priorities will include improving economic mobility and opportunity, with a focus on bridging racial and economic divides.

Zone was first elected in 2001 as a representative of Cleveland's Ward 15. He has served tirelessly as an advocate for the arts, sustainability, public safety issues and economic development. He has played a major role in the redevelopment of several neighborhoods and continues to focus on initiatives to make Cleveland a dynamic and vibrant place.

He serves on numerous city council committees, including as a chairman of the Safety Committee, the vanguard of the battle against neighborhood crime; the vice chairman of Council's Workforce & Community Benefits Committee; a member of the Development, Planning & Sustainability Committee; the Finance Committee; and the Operations Committee.

As the son of two former Cleveland councilmembers, Zone comes from a family that has been dedicated to public service at the local level, and one that for generations has called the Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood of Cleveland home.

Zone is a graduate Cleveland State University's College of Urban Affairs. He and his wife, Michelle, have a son who serves as an officer with the Cleveland Police Department.

About National League of Cities:

The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. NLC is a resource and advocate for 19,000 cities, towns and villages, representing more than 218 million Americans.

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