Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI) has entered into an agreement with the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and its Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI) to assist in the development of a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) solution. AGI's recently-developed business unit, SKYVUE, will support ATMRI with software, training, and subject matter expertise to understand key sensitivities of UAS flight systems.
NTU Singapore and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) jointly established ATMRI in 2013 as Singapore's first research and development institute dedicated to Air Traffic Management. The SKYVUE team's expertise in the beyond line-of-sight needs of UAS operators will support NTU's ATMRI research.
"AGI is highly invested in the international UAS community and is looking forward to sharing SKYVUE's expertise with ATMRI to help develop safe operating standards," affirms Bob Hammet, AGI vice president of integrated solutions.
SKYVUE delivers UTM software services to model communication, navigation and surveillance systems to ensure safe operation, and accurately predict flight performance. Leveraging validated algorithms refined over 27 years, SKYVUE software models the UAS platform, payload and sensors as well as the operating environment to include weather, terrain, buildings, communication networks, radar systems, tracking systems including ADS-B and GPS.
About AGI
AGI develops commercial modeling and analysis software for land, sea, air and space systems which is used by more than 50,000 engineers, operators and analysts worldwide. AGI announced the SKYVUE business unit in 2016 to deliver UTM software services. For more information, visit