Joseph Beller
The Real Property Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association has presented Joseph Beller, a real estate attorney with Offit Kurman, with the Harold Ominsky Award for 2016. The award recognizes Mr. Beller’s extensive career, legal skill, and achievements in zoning, land use, real estate tax assessment, and municipal law.
Mr. Beller will accept his award at the Section’s Annual Reception and Awards Ceremony on November 10th, at Philadelphia’s Estia restaurant, located at 1405 Locust Street. Also honored alongside Mr. Beller is The Housing Preservation Initiative, which will receive the Good Deed Award for its work in rehabilitating homes, decreasing health hazards, and increasing the quality of life in neighborhoods throughout West Philadelphia.
“All of us at the firm extend our congratulations to Joe,” said Edward Bloom, Chair of Offit Kurman’s Real Estate Law and Transactions Practice Group. “The Harold Ominsky award is a great honor and a well deserved one by Joe. I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Joe, and I can attest to his extraordinary ability as a lawyer, adviser, lecturer, and leader. It is wonderful to have such a special, distinguished attorney among the ranks of Offit Kurman.”
“I would like to thank the Philadelphia Bar Association, who have left me humbled with this recognition,” said Mr. Beller. “I am truly honored to accept the award, and count it among my greatest achievements.”
Over the course of his career, Mr. Beller has practiced before the Philadelphia Zoning Board Adjustment, the Board of License and Inspection Review, and other agencies and advisory boards that oversee land use, zoning, building, health, and safety. He has also argued matters before the Common Pleas Court, Commonwealth Court, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Mr. Beller’s clients have benefited from his guidance on a variety of real estate properties including residential developments, religious institutions, day care centers, restaurants, telecommunications, parking facilities, shopping centers, nightclubs, and convenience stores. His clients have included Newsstand Operators Association of Philadelphia, the Food Vendors Association, Nextel, Starbucks, 7-Eleven, Verizon, Patriot Parking, T-Mobile, and Adidas America.
Mr. Beller has been called as an expert witness for real estate litigation, and print and broadcast media have regularly solicited him for comment on current matters of pending real estate legislation and significant zoning matters. Additionally, Mr. Beller has performed lectures to the general public on behalf of various bar association groups and civic associations and has served as a faculty member and author of materials for CLE courses delivered by the Pennsylvania Bar.
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