Dr. Steven Paine
Destination Imagination (DI), a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching students the creative process through hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) as well as social entrepreneurship challenges, today announced the addition of Dr.Steven Paine, educational innovation leader of BrightBytes, to its Board of Trustees. Dr. Paine joins a diverse group of respected innovators, visionaries and leaders who are committed to closing the skills gap separating K-20 education and the emerging digital economy.
With more than 30 years of experience in various roles across local, state and national educational systems and organizations, Dr. Paine has spent his career evangelizing the importance of expanding opportunities for all students to acquire the 21st century skills necessary to become college and career ready. He is widely recognized as the 25th state superintendent of schools for the West Virginia Department of Education. In this role, Dr. Paine successfully led the implementation of Globadl21, a statewide educational transformation focused on student acquisition of rigorous core content infused with creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration.
"It is a tremendous honor to have the highly regarded and effective education leader Dr. Paine join our growing Board of Trustees," said Dr. Chuck Cadle, CEO of Destination Imagination. "Dr. Paine brings decades of robust expertise, valuable insight, as well as a synergistic deep commitment to empowering all students to achieve greatness throughout their educational journeys, that will be instrumental to the our organization. We're thrilled to welcome him to our Board."
Before bringing his talents to his current position at BrightBytes and role with Destination Imagination, Dr. Paine also served as a deputy state superintendent, district superintendent of schools, curriculum director, and is an award-winning school principal and classroom teacher. He is also past president of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and has served on the National Assessment Governing Board for NAEP, the Nation's Report Card as well as on the National Commission for Teaching and America's Future. He has held various executive positions in the private sector since his retirement from public service and is the immediate past president of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21).
"Rarely in my career as an educator have I had the opportunity to collaborate with an organization like Destination Imagination that effectively focuses on learning the creative process, rather than on the outcome, in the context of STEAM education," said Dr. Paine. "I am excited to join forces again with my former colleagues from the Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21), Chuck Cadle and Stephan Turnipseed, so we can continue to empower students with the essential skills for success in our evolving complex global world."
Dr. Paine is the fifth strategic senior executive to join the Destination Imagination Board of Trustees this year.
About Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) volunteer-led non-profit organization whose purpose is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators, leaders and industry pioneers. The most popular education offering is the Challenge Program, where student teams solve open-ended STEM, arts and service learning Challenges and present their solutions to trained Appraisers. Founded in 1982, Destination Imagination has impacted more than 1.5 million students worldwide. To learn more, please visit http://destinationimagination.org.