A casual observer would probably not expect that Consumer Products is the smallest segment of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ). Its products blanket advertising streams with the familiar catchphrase, "Johnson & Johnson, a family company." Today, we take a look at the company's Consumer segment, third and smallest in size after the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devicessegments covered in weeks past.
At a giant conglomerate like Johnson & Johnson, third place is no light matter. As reported on Johnson & Johnson's 2015 Investor Fact Sheet, the Consumer segment still represented in 2015 the "6th largest Consumer Health Care company" in the world. After submitting the mistakes, mentioned in the previous articles, on this same fact sheet, we are happy to report that the company has fixed the pie chart showing the segment breakdowns. The Consumer segment in 2015 represented about 19% of sales at $13.5 billion, as shown in the corrected chart below.