My cofounder and xtraCHEF CTO, Bhavik Patel, and I have always been proud of the flexible work environment we offer our employees. When the 2016 election came around, we felt confident that everyone on the team had the freedom they needed in order to go to the polls and make sure their voices were heard.
But we know this isn’t the reality for most Americans. According to the U.S. Elections Project, over 60 million people voted Clinton that year. About the same voted for Trump. But an estimated 100 million eligible voters casted no vote at all. That’s a staggering number of people who didn’t exercise their rights.
Assuming that these 100 million voters are just uninterested in politics is a mistake. Think about how many of these people don’t have the flexibility to run out of the office or their home for an hour to cast a vote. What about people in, say, meatpacking plants, who only have a half-hour lunch break? Or single parents who are working multiple jobs and simply cannot find a spare hour in between shifts?