When COVID-19 reared its head, of course vaccine-maker Inovio Pharmaceuticals (INO) threw its hat into the ring, like it does with each epidemic or pandemic. Is this time going to be different to the last? Or is INO stock set to continue fading.
INO-4800 is a DNA vaccine, which comes with substantial advantages. The vaccine is very stable compared to some other vaccines, it doesn't require frozen storage or transport. DNA vaccines can be designed and produced quickly too. INO took full advantage of this and designed INO-4800 in early January, just a day or two after the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 was available. By April INO started a 40 patient phase 1 study and in June/July began testing in older adults with another 80 participants added to that phase 1 study. A phase 1/2 study in South Korea was announced June 4, and results from the phase 1 study came at the end of June. Those results noted not only the development of binding and neutralizing antibodies but also T-cell responses. Seeking Alpha's Intrepid Investor has spoken recently about the importance of T-cell responses. Certainly INO-4800 is not to be dismissed, but there are some issues.