Hammer Fiber Optics Holdings Corp. (OTCQB: HMMR) d/b/a Hammer Communications announced today that it has renewed its Letter of Intent to acquire 1stPoint Communications, Endstream Communications and Open Data Centers. "The industrial logic of the acquisition remains unchanged," said Erik Levitt, CEO of 1stPoint Communications. "The resulting entity will be perfectly positioned to be a market leader in wireless network deployment." Today Hammer provides DOCSIS over wireless triple play services to subscribers in its first deployment in Atlantic County. In adding these assets Hammer will be able to deploy the technology in other markets around the US as well as several International targets. 1stPoint's assets include multiple CLEC licenses and a mobile network operator as well as intellectual property for carrier switching of both voice, SMS and advanced collaboration tools.
"The combined entities will be able to execute on Hammer's 'Everything Wireless' approach to the market," said Kristen Vasicek, 1stPoint's Director of Marketing. "We will be able to deliver very high speed triple plays, smart city, IoT, OTT and texting applications, M2M and 5G mobile networks. That breadth will make us unique in the industry," added Vasicek.
Earlier this quarter Hammer and 1stPoint announced its Mobile Network Services Provider platform, intended for use by cable operators for network extension, wireless ISPs for network enhancement and expansion and DSL replacement. "Several projects are now in the planning stages," said Hammer's founder, Mark Stogdill. "These acquisitions will be transformative, and will take Hammer to the next level."
The details of the transactions and closing dates have not been publicly disclosed.
About Hammer Fiber
Hammer Fiber Optic Holdings Corp. (OTCQB: HMMR) is a telecommunications company investing in the future of wireless technology whose holdings include Hammer Fiber Optic Investments, Ltd. D/B/A Hammer Fiber, a New Jersey-based Internet Service Provider (ISP) that offers internet, voice, video and data services in New Jersey, as well as carrier services in Philadelphia and New York. Hammer Fiber serves residential and small business markets with high capacity broadband, voice and video through both direct fiber as well as its wireless fiber platform, Hammer Wireless® AIR technology. For more information visit http://www.hammerfiber.com or contact Frank Pena at fpena@hammerfiber.com.
About 1stPoint Communications
1stPoint Communications provides integrated messaging, voice, data and mobile services for small businesses, enterprises and carriers. 1stPoint is committed to delivering all of the services businesses need to interact with their customers, employees and suppliers, providing its clients with A New Way to Work. For more information visit www.1pcom.net.
About Endstream
Endstream is a wholesale voice operator, providing voice termination, toll origination and toll free origination services to other carrier clients. For more information visit www.endstream.com.
About Open Data Center
Open Data Center is a carrier neutral colocation facility in Piscataway, NJ. It provides services to 1stPoint Communications, Core Technology Services, Endstream Communications and is a utility data center for over 20 other clients. It is a 2N+1 design with an array of nine fiber providers and 26 resident carriers make it an ideal platform for HMMRs activities. For more information visit www.opendatacenter.net.