Chris Mellen
BDO Consulting, a division of BDO USA, LLP, one of the nation’s leading professional services organizations, today announced the appointment of former U.S. Marine and White House cyber executive Christopher Mellen as Director in the firm’s Technology Advisory Services practice. Mr. Mellen has more than 20 years of public- and private-sector experience in cyber intelligence, computer forensics, e-discovery, insider threat detection and incident response services, particularly in the financial services, government contracting, natural resources and technology sectors. At BDO, he will advise organizations on the alignment of IT strategy with data security and protection.
“In cyber warfare, counterintelligence is the best defense against would-be attackers” said Carl W. Pergola, Executive Director of BDO Consulting. “With extensive background in rapid threat detection and incident response, Chris will be a significant asset to the team.”
“The consequences of a cyber breach are far-reaching for critical industries like financial services and natural resources, where a disruption can become a national security issue,” said Shahryar Shaghaghi, National Leader of BDO’s Technology Advisory Services practice and Head of International BDO Cybersecurity. “As a former White House insider, Chris has unique insight into the current threat landscape and the government’s approach to cybersecurity.”
“Technology is only one piece of the cybersecurity puzzle; understanding how data is actually used and accessed across business functions is key,” said Mr. Mellen. “I look forward to working with BDO’s diverse team of cyber professionals to offer clients a holistic view of information management and cyber defense.”
In addition to his background in information security, Mr. Mellen brings complementary experience in e-discovery, data processing, case management and disaster recovery. Prior to joining BDO, he was Senior Vice President of Strategic Security Initiatives at PNC Financial Services Group. He also served as Director of the Information Risk Management Directorate for the Executive Office of the President, where he was directly responsible for oversight of the Information Assurance and E-Discovery and Records Management Programs, as well as the Security Operations Center. A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, he previously served as Team Chief of the Incident Response Team with the U.S. Army’s Cyber Counterintelligence Activity.
Mr. Mellen received his Master of Science in Computer Information Systems from Boston University and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Colorado Technical University. He has completed courses on counterintelligence, counterterrorism, computer forensics, and data recovery and analysis.
About BDO Consulting
BDO Consulting, a division of BDO USA, LLP, provides clients with Financial Advisory, Business Advisory and Technology Services in the U.S. and around the world, leveraging BDO’s global network of more than 60,000 professionals. Having a depth of industry expertise, we provide rapid, strategic guidance in the most challenging of environments to achieve exceptional client service. For more information, please visit www.bdo.com.
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BDO USA, LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, is the U.S. member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO is the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms. For more information please visit: www.bdo.com.